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The most significant financial performance indicators for the Vossloh Group are value added, sales revenues, EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) and EBIT margin (EBIT/sales revenues). While the company uses sales, EBIT and EBIT margin as key performance indicators for short-term planning, the long-term management of the business units within the framework of the value-oriented growth strategy has a focus on value added. Value added is the key earnings indicator for the divisions and business units within the framework of external reporting.

Positive value added is generated when a premium is earned on top of the return claimed by investors and lenders (cost of capital). This premium is the difference between the return on capital employed (ROCE, calculated as EBIT/average capital employed) and the cost of capital, which is calculated as the weighted average cost of equity and debt. Multiplying the premium by average capital employed (working capital plus fixed assets) gives the value added over a period in absolute terms. For internal controlling purposes, ROCE and value added are calculated before taxes.

Cost of equity is largely composed of a risk-free interest rate plus a market risk premium. The interest rate factor is adjusted according to the result before taxes. Cost of debt is calculated on the basis of the Group’s average financing terms. The ratio of equity to interest-bearing debt, which is used to determine the weighted cost of capital, is not derived from balance sheet data since it is not only predicated on a benchmark for the funding structure but also because equity is based on target market values in this case and not the carrying amounts recognized on the balance sheet. A weighted average cost of capital before taxes (WACC) of 8.5 % was used as the yield expected by investors and lenders for the purposes of intragroup controlling in the 2023 fiscal year (previous year: 7.0 %).

There are two ways of increasing value added: increasing EBIT and optimizing capital employed. ROCE is derived from both values. Vossloh seeks to improve the parameters it can influence to optimize this performance indicator. As a result, the company also focuses on working capital, working capital intensity (average working capital/annual revenue) and free cash flow.

Management uses nonfinancial performance indicators for the purpose of managing the company and making long-term strategic decisions. However, nonfinancial performance indicators do not play a central role in the management of the company. Instead, they provide information about the situation within the Group and are used as a basis for decisions. Accordingly, the Vossloh Group does not use nonfinancial performance indicators in the sense of Section 289c (3) sentence 5 HGB. Nonfinancial performance indicators that are not primarily relevant for management purposes are provided in the nonfinancial Group statement, which begins on page 80 of the annual report.

The management of Vossloh AG considers monthly financial reporting to be a central element for the ongoing analysis and control of the divisions, business units and the Group itself. To this end, the financial statements and key performance indicators prepared by the group companies are consolidated and analyzed in the same way as the annual forecast updated each month. Deviations are investigated in relation to their effects on the financial targets. The monthly updates to annual projections are supplemented by risk reports that aim to identify any potential reductions or increases in assets. The effectiveness of measures aimed at ensuring targets are met is continuously analyzed. The figures of the operating units are intensively discussed by their respective management and the Executive Board with the involvement of the relevant central departments of Vossloh AG.
