System W 30: The climate expert for conventional rail, heavy haul, turnouts and crossings
Our System W 30 is in its element wherever there are challenging weather conditions. Thanks to its broad temperature range, from -60°C to +50°C, it is ideally prepared for extreme temperature fluctuations. For ballasted track with concrete sleepers, it provides highly elastic solutions for conventional rail, and elastic solutions for the heavy-haul segment.

That means it can also be used without difficulty on turnouts and crossings with or without inclination. It is the system of choice in regions with high atmospheric humidity, since it does its job in such environments at low cost and without expensive maintenance. The individual components can be flexibly adapted to the circumstances in each case. Our inclined plates, in particular, make it easy and inexpensive to create the ideal rail inclination on uninclined concrete sleepers.
High resistance with minimum wear

The popular combination of ballasted track and concrete sleepers is the domain of our System W 30. While the sleeper shoulders provide stability for the track and the fastening system, the flexible ballast layer transmits the vertical forces into the substructure. Stable rail deflection ensures that fewer vibrations are generated. The components assembled especially for System W 30 function reliably, with minimal wear and hardly any need for maintenance. Thanks to their high toe load, dynamic fatigue strength and high rail creep resistance, they ensure a safe ride every time – even under extreme weather conditions and in high atmospheric humidity.