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Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions

Vossloh is particularly focused on CO2e (CO2 equivalents) emissions due to their impact on climate change. The company has set itself the goal of achieving CO2e neutrality (Scope 1 and Scope 2) in stages by 2030. The extent to which this aim is achieved is measured using the indicators for CO2e emissions, CO2e intensity ( CO2e tons /sales revenues in € million) and energy intensity (energy consumption in MWh/sales revenues in € million). Energy intensity and CO2e intensity are the key indicators used by Vossloh to measure its progress in terms of energy efficiency and minimizing CO2e emissions, while also taking the company‘s growth targets into account.

As part of the group-wide “Carbon Neutrality 2030 (Scope 1 & 2)“ initiative, a cross-divisional team led by the Head of Corporate Sustainability drew up an action plan to reduce energy consumption and CO2e emissions. The implementation, which began in 2022 and will continue in 2023, focused in particular on the most energy-intensive processes and plants as well as the most CO2e-intensive energy sources. The project team first compiled data on the initial situation in all units, described the targets and defined the measurement tools. Subsequently, training courses were held in all business units. As at December 31, 2023, the relevant Vossloh employees had completed the respective training courses.

At the same time, packages of measures were developed at the level of the individual Group companies and sites for the years up to 2026, with the help of which a gradual reduction in CO2e intensity of around 11 % per year is to be achieved. In the 2022 fiscal year, CO2e intensity was already significantly reduced by 14.9 %. In 2023, it fell again by an impressive 18.7 %. Among the measures implemented in 2023 were photovoltaic systems on Vossloh Fastening Systems factory buildings in Germany, Poland and China (capacity: up to 6,300 MWh/year) and the conversion of all Vossloh locations in France to electricity from renewable sources. Based on the action plans, Vossloh intends to further reduce direct and indirect CO2e emissions in relation to the Vossloh Group‘s sales revenues in subsequent years.

The following tables present the consumption of significant energy sources within the Vossloh Group for the year under review and the comparative figures from 2022:

MWh (Vossloh Group)20232022
Gas consumption82,703.580,391.6
Electricity consumption77,626.474,454.5
District heating consumption4,298.73,887.7
Heating oil consumption954.71,077.4
Fuel consumption22,831.318,463.9
Energy consumption (total)188,414.6178,275.0

The amount of Vossloh’s carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was determined, as in previous years, on the basis of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol in the categories of scope 1 and scope 2. The results were as follows.

t CO2 equivalents, scope 1 (Vossloh Group)20232022
Gas consumption15,130.614,676.2
Heating oil consumption228.8258.2
Fuel consumption5,325.94,384.4
Scope 120,685.319,318.8
t CO2 equivalents, scope 2 (Vossloh Group)20232022
Electricity consumption20,220.024,281.6
District heating consumption1,426.81,252.2
Scope 221,646.825,533.8

The following table shows the energy and CO2e intensity, each in relation to the Vossloh Group‘s total sales revenues:

Energy and CO2 equivalent intensity (Vossloh Group)20232022
Energy intensity (MWh/€ million)155.2170.4
CO2e intensity (CO2e tons/€ million)34.942.9

In the 2023 fiscal year, the Vossloh Group slightly reduced its overall CO2e emissions (Scope 1 and 2) compared to the previous year despite a significant increase in sales of 16.1 %. This reduction was mainly achieved through noticeable savings in indirect emissions (Scope 2). The significant reduction of 18.7 % in CO2e intensity, which represents CO2e emissions in tons per million euros in sales revenues, is particularly pleasing. This positive development is mainly due to efficiency improvements in production and a steadily increasing proportion of green or low-CO2 electricity. All divisions contributed significantly to this pleasing reduction.

Vossloh has not yet had sufficient data to determine greenhouse gas emissions relating to upstream and downstream areas (Scope 3). However, reporting on the entire value chain in accordance with the GHG Protocol is currently in preparation. Scope 3 emissions for the entire Group are to be reported for the first time in the 2024 fiscal year.