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Supervisory Board of Vossloh AG appoints new CEO with effect from April 1, 2017

  • Andreas Busemann will follow Dr.h.c. Hans M. Schabert from April 1, 2017
  • Contracts of Oliver Schuster, CFO, and Volker Schenk, CTO, have been extended by a further three-years

The Supervisory Board today appointed Mr Andreas Busemann, 50, as CEO of Vossloh AG with effect from April 1, 2017, for a term of three years as the successor to Hans M. Schabert. Andreas Busemann has been Member of the Executive Board for Sales and Marketing at DB Cargo since January 1, 2016. Prior to this, he served as a Member of the Executive Board for Production of DB Fernverkehr AG and Chief Technical Officer as well as CTO/CIO Infrastructure (IT) of DB Netz AG. After graduating with a degree in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering from Braunschweig, Andreas Busemann started his career at Siemens AG. There, he held several positions, most recently CEO of the Rail Automation division, to which he belonged for more than 10 years.

Hans M. Schabert has been CEO of Vossloh AG since April 1, 2014, and will not be available for an extension of his contract after its expiry on March 31, 2017, for family reasons. The contracts of the two other Executive Board members of Vossloh AG, Oliver Schuster and Volker Schenk, have been extended by a further three years as planned i.e. until spring 2020.

“Vossloh has been strengthened with the comprehensive transformation and is on a good path after the necessary cuts. This process was driven by Dr. Schabert very successfully and in a very short time. With the appointment of Andreas Busemann, we have appointed a proven expert in the rail industry and have thereby ensured the continuous development of Vossloh”, says Heinz Hermann Thiele, Head of the Supervisory Board of Vossloh AG.

Werdohl, September 29, 2016

Contact information for media:
Lucia Mathée, MATHEE GmbH
Phone: (+49-23 92) 52-608

Contact information for investors:
Lucia Mathée, MATHEE GmbH
Phone: (+49-23 92) 52-609

Vossloh is a global player in the rail technology markets. Our core business is rail infrastructure. In addition, the Group is active in the areas of rolling stock and electric buses. The activities of the Group are divided into the four divisions Core Components, Customized Modules, Lifecycle Solutions and Transportation. In financial year 2015, Vossloh generated sales of €1.2 billion with approximately 4,900 employees.