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Water consumption

In Vossloh factories, water is mainly used for surface treatment of products, as a coolant in various production processes and for the production of concrete ties. Vossloh units obtain the water from the respective local public water suppliers. The company is committed to using this basic resource as efficiently as possible. As such, used water is reprocessed in our own plants and returned to the operating process, particularly in production areas that require a substantial amount of water. In some cases, the production units work with closed water circuits. At all of its sites, Vossloh disposes of wastewater via the respective public sewage systems. Process water that is heavily contaminated during production is first treated in our own wastewater treatment plants in such a way that it (at least) meets the discharge standards of the public systems.

The following table shows water consumption in the Vossloh Group as determined by meters:

Vossloh Group20232022
Water consumption (m3)182,987.9177,797.6
Water intensity (water consumption in m3 /million €)150.7170.0

Despite the significant increase in sales in 2023, the Vossloh Group‘s total water consumption rose by only 2.9 %. As a result, the Group‘s water intensity, calculated as water consumption in cubic meters per million in sales revenues, fell by 11.3 %. This positive development is the result of improved use of water resources and the introduction of processes to reduce water consumption in various divisions.