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Vossloh mourns the death of Heinz Hermann Thiele

The 79-year-old majority shareholder and former Chairman of Vossloh AG's Supervisory Board passed away yesterday, Tuesday, in Munich

Since 2011, the successful and charismatic entrepreneur Heinz Hermann Thiele had successively increased his shareholding in Vossloh AG to most recently 50.09 percent. Through his enormous financial but above all personal commitment, he had safely guided the Company through the intensive multi-year process of realignment and restructuring. During his time as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, he actively set the course for making Vossloh the successful company it is today. In the years that followed, he was always available to both the Executive and Supervisory Boards as a competent industry expert and highly respected advisor.

His entrepreneurial vision, unique personality and willingness to assume responsibility were invaluable to Vossloh. His demanding and supportive management style has played a major role in ensuring that the Company today has a strong and performance-oriented management team that will guide the Vossloh Group with a sure hand into a successful future.

Oliver Schuster, CEO of Vossloh AG: "We have all been extremely saddened by the sudden death of Heinz Hermann Thiele. Mr. Thiele was a close companion to Vossloh whom we appreciated for his straightforwardness, entrepreneurial courage, decisiveness and unique discipline. He was always a fair and highly valued partner to us, both personally and professionally. We will always be grateful to him for what he did for Vossloh."

Through his work, Heinz Hermann Thiele contributed an important chapter to Vossloh's more than 130-year history. The Executive Board, Supervisory Board and all employees mourn in deep solidarity with his bereaved family.

Werdohl, February 24, 2021

Contact information for media:
Gundolf Moritz (Mirnock Consulting)
Phone: (+49-23 92) 52-608

Contact information for investors:
Dr. Daniel Gavranovic
Phone: (+49-23 92) 52-609

Vossloh is active in rail infrastructure markets worldwide. The Group’s activities are organized into the three divisions of Core Components, Customized Modules and Lifecycle Solutions. In the 2019 fiscal year, Vossloh achieved sales of €916.4 million with an average of 3,786 employees.