Vossloh protect
Network operators all over the world profit from its excellent resistance to chemicals and significantly improved corrosion protection across a wide range of applications. The benefits of Vossloh protect not only include lower lifecycle costs, but also optimized delivery times, our in-house coating and a standardized application, which avoids any production-related hydrogen embrittlement. The reduced layer thickness allows a more efficient use of resources so that the final product excels in its environmentally compatibility.
Many successful customer projects – in tunnels, at ports or in (sub)tropical regions – testify to the capability of the premium coating.
Project "Yerköy–Sivas high-speed line" in Turkey

The first major project in which rail fasteners coated with Vossloh protect were used was a high-speed line in Turkey. For the approx. 250 km long line between Yerköy and Sivas, which includes 49 tunnels, we supplied our proven System 300-1. From 2018 to 2020, we delivered about 700,000 tensioning clamps provided with our new anti-corrosion coating to help ensure that the track withstands the future impact of the environmental conditions.
Vereina tunnel in Switzerland and the tunnel of the Bologna–Firenze line

Especially demanding is the high humidity in tunnels. Therefore also other customers favour tension clamps protected with Vossloh protect for our rail fastening systems. One example is the Vereina tunnel in Switzerland. The same applies to the tunnel of the Bologna–Firenze line, which we equipped with our W14 system and in which, by the way, the current high-speed record for ballasted track in tunnels was set! Given the high levels of humidity and the closeness of the railway lines to the coast, Italian operators now generally prefer Vossloh protect. Since the approval, we have already delivered about 1.5 million tensioning clamps with the new coating to Italy.
Getingmidjan project in Stockholm

Tunnel sections are not the only applications where long-term corrosion prevention is required to protect the steel component and minimize the maintenance effort. Also operators of port railways and lines along the coastline are looking for efficient solutions to protect their assets against the aggressive salty air. Accordingly, Vossloh can already cite reference projects for these applications: as part of the Getingmidjan project in Stockholm, for instance, we are currently supplying more than 7,500 tensioning clamps coated with Vossloh protect for the Norrström bridge.
The Ijo tunnel in Central Java, Indonesia

Track operators in (sub)tropical regions are likewise increasing their requirements concerning corrosion prevention. That is why we will from now on provide an Indonesian mine operator in Ijo, Central Java, with our rail fastening systems with the premium coating.
Not only public transport customers or operators of industrially used tracks benefit from the advantages of the premium zinc coating. The wide range of applications and reference projects testifies to the great potential of Vossloh protect.
Do you also want to reduce your life cycle costs by ensuring a long-term protection of the rail fastening components in your track from environmental influences? We will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have about the product or possible applications.