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Diversity officers have been appointed for each business unit since 2022. They not only act as a point of contact, but are also tasked with initiating or implementing corresponding projects such as training measures in their respective business units.

In 2023, Vossloh employed women and men from 51 countries with a wide range of qualification levels, education levels, vocational training paths, career experience and service years within all of its hierarchical levels. The diversity guideline does not stipulate any quotas. Applicants are always selected who are best suited to the advertised positions. Factors such as skin color, gender, religion or origin do not play a role.

The Vossloh locations in France are participating in the nationwide initiative TREMPLIN (translated: stepping stone; abbreviation for TRansport EMPLoi INnovation). It aims to reduce the shortage of skilled workers in the transport and logistics industry by encouraging and supporting people with disabilities to apply for jobs. Vossloh Rail Services offers internships and apprenticeships for socially disadvantaged young people as part of a young talent campus. There are also several refugees among the business unit‘s trainees.

The following table shows some HR indicators, which should be viewed in the context of Vossloh’s status as a global industrial manufacturing Group:

Vossloh Group workforce structure1 (as of 12/31)20232022
Proportion of women in the total workforce (in %)15.615.2
Age structure of employees (in %)  
< 31 years 15.916.1
31-50 years54.454.0
> 50 years 29.729.9
Length of service of employees (in %)  
0-10 years 62:360.8
11-20 years19.221.0
> 20 years 18.518.2
Employees by region (in %)  
Germany 23.920.7
Rest of Europe31.832.5

1 Number of employees based on actual headcount.