Transit Ties

Vossloh provides concrete tie solutions for all types of transit applications. Transit networks, especially those operating at high speeds, require a stable and rigid track surface. Pre-stressed concrete ties form the foundation of a strong track structure resulting in a smoother ride, which is why they are commonly found in transit networks throughout the world. Vossloh concrete tie products are the well-established solution for transit networks throughout North America. We are the leading supplier to Amtrak and the only manufacturer in North America with experience in high speed rail. Our exacting production and quality control processes ensure that every tie provides reliable, consistent performance, contributing to the safe rail infrastructure necessary for passenger transit.
Rocla concrete ties are designed to customers project needs and can accommodate any fastening system required. 8'3" transit ties are light weights and easy to install using hand tools or automated maintenance of way equipment.

Fastening Systems: fastening systems featuring tension clamps (Skl) and screw-dowel combinations (Vossloh); screwless fastening systems featuring clips and anchor bolts.
Rail Section: 90RE, 15RE
Rail Seat Slope: 1:40 +/- 5
Gauge: 4' 8 1/2"
Speed: 70 mph
Tie Spacing: 24" - 30"
Axle Load: 20 ton
Application: Transit/Industrial