Maximizing line availability
Hardly any railway issue is currently more in the focus of public attention than punctuality. It is a benchmark of performance and reliability. At InnoTrans 2016, Vossloh will be demonstrating how low-maintenance products as well as intelligent processes and service solutions contribute to an efficient, punctual and reliable train service.

Railway networks keep the economy running all over the world. Their smooth operation and the on-time arrival of passengers and goods at their destination are influenced by four central factors. At InnoTrans 2016, Vossloh will be illustrating helpful solutions that widen the network operators' scope of action for maintenance work and allow more flexibility in response to unexpected events such as malfunctions and defects or weather-related problems.
For rail fastening and turnout systems, quality, durability and optimum interaction of components that require as little maintenance as possible are the fundamentals of network availability. Innovations include lubrication-free turnout components, optimized and eco-friendly heating systems for turnouts and novel elements of rail fastening systems. They all help extend the service life of the superstructure and hence minimize the total operating expenses over the entire lifecycle.
Pre-assembled modules, plug-&-play solutions and just-in-time logistics for (long) rails and complete turnout modules support speedy installation with reduced track possessions, enabled by excellent interface management and process design.
Unparalleled working speeds as high as 80 km/h for High Speed Grinding (HSG), Vossloh’s preventive rail grinding technology, and quick rerailing when servicing turnouts with the Flexis system permit a flexible deployment within the regular timetable. Sensor-controlled remote monitoring systems for turnouts support the predictive maintenance of trackage and track circuits by warning of possible faults and signaling deviations from defined parameters.
A proactive and integral asset management rounds off the offering for network operators. It ensures a sound maintenance organization and the quality of the process throughout the entire lifecycle. With the right maintenance strategy, the best possible condition of tracks and turnouts can be accomplished in the agreed track possession and with a maximum of efficiency. Such a strategy is based on usage statistics and regular inspection and measurement of the actual condition. In combination with a full-coverage sensor installation, the collection and processing of such data lead the way to a digitized railway industry.
For further information about HSG technology, please visit the Vossloh Stand 310 in Hall 26 or www.vossloh.com .
Contact details:
Media team Vossloh AG
Phone +49 2392 52 608
About Vossloh
Worldwide, the Vossloh brand stands for rail industry capability, forward-looking solutions and products featuring leading-edge technologies. Our core business is rail infrastructure. The activities of the Group have been divided into the three core divisions Core Components, Customized Modules, Lifecycle Solutions and the forth division Transportation, which is not part of the core business. The Vossloh group operates worldwide with approximately 4,900 employees and generated sales of €1.2 billion in fiscal 2015.